09 december 2022 
in news
0 min. read

The two ICLAS European Grants now open

1. The ICLAS Visiting Grant for professional development in LAS in Europe call aims to provide financial assistance to three candidates (veterinarian/scientist/animal technician) of up to 2.000 Eur for professional development in one of the host institutions proposed by ICLAS or applicant. The deadline for applications: March 1st, 2025.    

You can find more information here https://iclas.org/regional-fellowship-training-program/ 

2. The ICLAS Grant for Training the Trainer in LAS education in Europe aims to provide financial assistance to one candidate of up to 2.000 Eur to attend FELASA accredited course with the goal of establishing a course on LAS in her/his country. The dealine for applications: March 1st, 2025.

You can find more information here https://iclas.org/sponsorship-for-education-and-training-europe/

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