Regional Committees Activities for Europe

The European Regional Committee

  • Facilitates meeting and training sessions, for example by assisting in the organization and providing speakers. 
  • Sponsors education and training programs, supported by outside funding, such as:
  •            - ICLAS grant for Training the Trainer in LAS Education in Europe

               - ICLAS visiting grant for professional development in LAS in Europe

  • Seeks financial or in-kind (e.g. hosting organisations) resources to support these activities.
  • Shares news on how ICLAS support was used, through follow up reports of the grants.
  • Cooperates with FELASA (Federation for Laboratory Animal Science Associations) through the FELASA-ICLAS Liaison Body. This Body explores and develops activities of mutual interest that may benefit the global progress in any area of laboratory animal science. This is achieved through participation in working groups, scientific meetings, and any other joint activity that is considered appropriate by both organizations.

Reports from Activities

Please read the report from Jonas Mingaila of his visit to the BSRC Alexander Fleming  Center in Athens, that took place in April 2024.

Please find the report from Elena of her stay at IDBELL, a Bio-Medicine research centre, mad possible by an ICLAS Visiting Grant for Professional Development in LAS. 

Please find the report of a stay at University of Bologna made possible thanks to the Visiting Grant for Professional Development in LAS.

Read here the report of a visit to the animal facilities of the Faculty Medicine at the Sorbonne, supported by a ICLAS Visiting Grant for Professional Development that took place in June 2023.

Please find the report from Resham Desoki who thanks to an ICLAS Professional Development in LAS Europe, visited the Central Laboratory Animal Research Facility at Utrecht university.

Report of the course series for animal care technicians that was supported by ICLAS and took place during 2020-2022 by the Israeli Laboratory Animal Forum (ILAF), member of ICLAS. Report.

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