Why join the ICLAS network:
- ICLAS members are part of a network of national and international organizations that promotes basic harmonization in standards for Laboratory Animal Science, with a priority of encouraging quality animal-based science in developing nations.
- Through ICLAS, members have a voice in respected international science unions and agencies such as the OIE, ISC, CIOMS and UNESCO. A successful outcome of these collaborations is the recent publication of the CIOMS-ICLAS International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals.
- Harmonization and promotion of standards of laboratory animal quality, care, and ethical consideration benefit the ability to collaborate internationally, and improve confidence in accepting science protocols conducted across nations.
- Research facilities and laboratories participating in the ICLAS Laboratory Animal Quality Network (LAQN) and Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) are directly assisted in validating the microbiological and genetic quality of their research animals.
- At scientific meetings organized by an ICLAS member, individual members of other organisations affiliated to ICLAS will be offered the same registration fee offered to the members of the organizing association.
- Members benefit additionally in having access to financial support from ICLAS to complement their efforts to develop and disseminate training and education programs, as well as opportunities for participation in established programs of regional educational fellowships and travel awards.
- The sum of these benefits is that ICLAS members can play an active role in the process of improving Laboratory Animal Science, with a goal of aiding medical advances to benefit people and animals.